New to TREC?

If you’d like to have a go at TREC, but don’t really know the first thing about where to start or what will be expected of you, look no further! We’ve compiled a first-timer’s ‘absolutely everything you might possibly want to know’ guide, with hints and tips to make sure you’re prepared on the day. Just click on ‘about TREC’ again and work your way through the sections.

There is a lot of information here, but TREC really isn’t all that complicated, especially at the lower levels. Many people do well at their first time out without much specific preparation (and sometimes none at all!), just a little confidence and a willingness to enjoy a nice day out with their horses having a go at something a bit new and different.

Don’t feel overwhelmed at trying a new sport, remember that it’s just a fun day out – a hack with a few extra challenges.

Want to come along to help out and see what goes on? We have also written a handy guide for volunteers – all help is very welcome, no experience required as you will be fully briefed on the day.